Almost every year my sis, we called Angah (now lives in Kuching, Sarawak) and her family,will spend their 1 month - December holidays in our home town, Batu Pahat.
Best macam-macam activities kami is one of the most enjoyable activities.
Kami tak miss buat gathering for our family's tahlil, anniversaries and birthdays as well.
Gambar-gambar ni diambil (kat Senai Airport) masa hantar Angah and family balik ke Kuching.
from left: Deqnur, Syirah, Aqilah, Aiman & Amjad
Back from right: Kak Aidah, my bro, my hubby & me
Me & Hubby
Two best friends...Syirah & Aqilah
Amzar and cousin Nuha
2 bestfriends & cousins..Nuha & Deqnur
Sitting from left: My aunt, sis, me, my sis-in-law
Front row: All my cute nieces
2 Yorum var:
salam makteh..huhu da tgk da klu sejarah2 tuu..qilah suke yg pasal kuarga kiter..teringin la nk buat nnt klu gi umah makteh..makteh ajarla ye..ajar depan2 faham sikit..klu yah suro kwn2 yah tgk bole??hehe promote2..
No problem...kalau yah nak kawan-kawan tengok boleh...suruhlah they all join blog mak teh. Qilah tahu macamanakan? Up datelah Qilah punya blog pulak.
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