ni my hubby dah mula berblogginglah pulak....maka lepas ni mungkin akan terjadilah incident berebut2 nak guna notebook....emmm
So Kak Ungku jadi adviser, create the blog for him, choose the template & layout, teach him how to post an entry and other stuffs. My hubby ni memang terror IT and a fast learner, so he has no problem in absorbing all those blogging jargons.
His blog .......Berlian Permata English it would be Blue Diamond Gem....emm not bad, nice name."Why Blue Diamond Gem?" ...I asked him.
" because.... every person who is born into this world is like a precious diamond gem.Sparkles when shaped and polished by knowledge of full wisdom." hubby explained.
Now he's already started blogging and has a lot of plans for his blog....layankan ajelah........It's good, at least he'll understand better and experienced himself on why I was addicted to blogging before.
Posting, reading, sharing, commenting… to many of us, blogging is more than a lifestyle; it’s an addiction. But just how addicted are you compared to everyone else? Answer this question yourself....
As for now I fit my online activities into my regular schedules. It's fine to stay up a little extra late on a particularly inspiring night, but I do not make the staying up late a regular thing. I add just one or two sentences a time to a post in draft if I have time, so by the end of the night I often have enough content to make a well rounded post.
Sekarang ni Kak Ungku dah taklah kemaruk berblogging macam dulu.
It's up to you to manage your own time for blogging. dear hubby, welcome to THE WORLD of BLOGGING...
Joint our C.L.U.B...
Well friends feel free to visit my hubby's blog at
What Does A Dyslexic Person See When She Reads?
14 years ago
7 Yorum var:
Salam Aunty,
Welcome Uncle to blogging world, experience yourself the never ending space of the world ^_^ kekeke.
Aunty pasni leh jd tok guru na ^_^
Belumlah tahap Tok Guru...auntypun baru belajar jugak...sikit2 tu bolehlah..hehe
salam kak ungku..
my hubby pun now ni dok hint-hint nak buat blog gak..ish..ish...
K.Bad, send my conrats to Che Mat ya..i wonder where are Farezz n Faizul blogs..kalau ada i wanna follow coz both of them are olso rare "gem" kan..hehe..
Myself masih x dapat shedule my time with blogging, work n family..hehe. also masih berebut ngn hubby malam2 to use pc after finish all my mummy chores..sometimes end up dengan zzz je...
Kak Ungku, baik dia sibuk dengan blog daripada dia sibuk dengan benda lain kat luar..hehehe..
Jap nak pi jenguk blog Berlian Permata Biru..
Yours Truly:
Layankan aje....
Kak Bad pun berebut2 bila nak guna kenalah buat schedule...hehe
Betul2 Kak Ungku memang suka kalau my hubby tu dok melekat depan notebook. Lagipun my hubby ni rajin buat research...masa lapang satu hari dok mengadap depan notebook pun dia tahan....
Bila dah lanjut usia ni malas nak keluar outing...
Sen de yaz